Dancing Wu Li Masters

Tiltbrush Spiral

Tiltbrush Spiral


My Main Take-Aways, Questions, Potential Moments of Genius…

The concept of scientific objectivity rests upon the assumption of an external world which is “out there” as opposed to an “I” which is “in here”. According to this view, Nature in all her diversity is “out there”. The task of the scientist is to observe the “out there” as much as possible. The problem is it’s impossible to be objective because you’d have to lack any opinion- but it’s impossible to be without opinion. An opinion is a point of view. The opinion that we can be without a point of view is a point of view. The decision itself to study one segment of reality instead of another is a subjective expression of the researcher who makes it. It affects his perceptions of reality if nothing else...In QM there is no such thing as objectivity. We cannot eliminate ourselves from the picture. We are a part of nature and when we study nature, there is no way around the fact that nature is studying itself. QM views subatomic particles as “tendencies to exist” or “tendencies to happen” how strong these tendencies are expressed in terms of probability….

  1. Some physicists speculate photons may be conscious. Whether Walker is correct or not, it appears that if there really are photons and the photoelectric effect proves that there are, then it also appears that the photons in the double slit experiment somehow knew whether or not both slits are open and that they act accordingly- another explanation other than knowing might be synchronicity; acausal connecting. This brings us back to where we started: Something is organic if it has the ability to process information and to act accordingly, and that therefore, strange as it may sound, they[photons] seem to be organic. Since we are also organic, studying photons [and other energy quanta] we may learn something about us. { How does hivemind apply to this?, if we accept it as true?}

  2. What happens between the region of preparation and the region of measurement is a dynamic [changing with time] unfolding of possibilities that occurs according to the Schrodinger wave equation we can determine, for any moment in the development of these possibilities, the probability of any one of them occurring. So how do we cause a possibility to become an actuality? We “make a measurement”. Making a measurement interferes with the development of these possibilities. In other words, making a measurement interferes with the development in isolation of the observed system [which Schrodinger’s wave equation governs] we actualize one of the several potentialities that were a part of the observed system while it was in isolation. {Q: is this any way analogous to making measurements on young minds, not good on a math test not meant to be good at math, you effectively shape their possibilities and potentialities by deciding which parameters are meant to be measured rather than allowing them to show to us and themselves what naturally attracts their talents. Again, once you label me, you negate me, my potential function collapses. Unless you can destroy everything that has made you up and rebuild yourself from the knowledge of how the pieces can fit together harmoniously.} The development of possibilities that takes place between the region of preparation and the region of measurement is represented by a particular mathematical entity, a “wave-function” because it looks [mathematically] like a development of waves which constantly change and proliferate.

  3. The unfolding of QM is a drama of high suspense. Theoretically in fact everything has a wavelength- baseballs automobiles, and even people- although their wavelengths are so small that they are not noticeable. {This is because we are not actively aware of them, what if we conditioned ourselves- as kids- to be aware of our “wavelength” and its interaction with other fields and waves from other sources? This is the first step to mastering mind over matter.} QM is accepted as a complete theory because it correctly correlates experience.

  4. Bohr’s theory was entirely empirical, based around experimentally observed facts to explain them. While Schrodinger built his theory on de Brogile’s matter-wave hypothesis. Not only does it yield mathematical values which have been verified experimentally, but it also provides a consistent explanation for them. For example, there are only a certain number of standing wave patterns possible at each energy level. The energy level of an atom jumps only from certain specific values to other certain specific values, because standing wave patterns of only certain dimensions can form with the atom, and none other. {Is this why we struggle so much to see/interact with/understand dark matter and dark energy- it is simply a matter of experiencing different dimensions?}

Bailey Johns